This year’s girls’ basketball sectional games will be played at Thea Bowman Academy this week. There is a shortage of parking on the school’s campus so we are offering a fan bus from Washington Twp to Bowman this Wednesday leaving at 4 pm. If a student is interested in riding, and has their parents permission, they may sign up during lunch Tuesday and Wednesday. Any parents wanting to ride along are welcome, but will need to be signed up ahead of time by contacting Mrs. Mateer or added to the list at lunch time.
8 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WT logo red
Super Senators Announced for January! Washington Township Middle School is please to announce the following students as Super Senators for the month of January! 6th Grade-Torre S and Kai S 7th Grade-Millie H and Vinny M 8th Grade-Violet S and Mason Y Congratulations to these students for epitomizing the best of WTMS! On You Senators!
9 days ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
January Super Senators
Paige Hein competed at the Pilgrim Invite on Saturday. Paige placed 2nd on floor with her highest score this season and placed 6th on the beam. Congratulations Paige!!
9 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WT logo
This Week In Senator Athletics for February 3-February 8, 2025. You can view the upcoming WTMHS athletic events or download a Senator sport schedule for 2024-2025.
10 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
February 2025 Save the Dates
10 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
February 2025 Save The Dates
Breakfast and Lunch Menus for the month of February--
11 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
What's For Lunch?
Washington Township received an IHSAA Exemplary Behavior Report for the hospitality and positive atmosphere provided during last week's PCC Girls Basketball tournament. Jonah Hasse served as our student host, directing teams to their locker rooms, assisting spectators finding their fan sections and working in the concession stand helping customers. For this we have honored Jonah with an Exemplary Sportsmanship Pin representing and being the face of all of the many volunteers that worked the PCC tournament. #faceofsportsmanship #IHSAA
11 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Hassle Exemplary Behvior
The Student Athletic Advisory Committee is recognizing Varsity Basketball player Kyle Banker as Athlete of the Week. Kyle shows strong leadership skills and has great talent on the court, playing a big role in the team's near-perfect record this season. During the final round of PCC championship last week, Kyle didn't give up on himself or his team, continuing to give his best effort throughout the game. Kyle's recognition by the NWI Times as Athlete of the Week is a testament to his abilities as well.
13 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
K Banker AOTW
Senator Boys Basketball falls to #9 in the January 27th Associated Press Class 1A Boys High School Basketball Poll. To view the poll, click the link.
14 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
AP logo
Senator Boys Basketball falls to #11 in the January 27th USA Today/Network Indiana Class 1A Boys High School Basketball Poll. To view the poll, click the link.
14 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Network Indiana
The Washington Township Athletic Department would like to thank all of the staff, students, parents, and community members who helped make this year's girl's PCC Tournament a resounding success. None of it would have been possible without the help of our ticket takers, concession stand workers, hospitality room hosts, scorekeepers, clock workers, water girls, trainers, announcers, and school resource officers. This is a large undertaking with 6 games being played over the course of 3 days. A fellow PCC school filed an Exemplary Sportsmanship Report with the IHSAA complementing the exciting, welcoming atmosphere that was created for all players and fans. Washington Township was honored to host this year's tournament and looks forward to doing so again in the future!
15 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
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Washington Township High School vs LaVille High School Womens Varsity Basketball The livestream is scheduled to begin at 01/28/25 6:30 pm CST.
15 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
JEDTV logo
Congratulations to WTHS Seniors Drew Gschwind and Nicole Bunag, who were recognized this week at the Rotary luncheon.
15 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
January Rotary Luncheon
Lansing Sports has opened up a Spring Spirit Wear Store. Order you WT Gear and have it just in time for Baseball/Softball/Track and Field and Volleyball Seasons! On you Senators!
15 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
This Week In Senator Athletics for January 27-February 1, 2025. You can view the upcoming WTMHS athletic events or download a Senator sport schedule for 2024-2025.
17 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
High School tutoring will be on Mondays and Wednesdays after school until 3:45 in E104 starting Jan. 27.
19 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WTMHS Official Logo
Senator Boys Basketball rise to #7 in the January 20th Associated Press Class 1A Boys High School Basketball Poll. To view the poll, click the link.
20 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
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Revised 2025 School Board Meeting Dates
21 days ago, East Porter County School Corporation
Revised 2025 School Board Meeting Dates
Guardianship and Entering Adulthood Wednesday, January 22nd Portage Library See attachment for more information
21 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Guardianship & Entering Adulthood
The Student Athletic Advisory Committee is recognizing Varsity Basketball player Gracie Little as Athlete of the Week. Gracie always has a positive mindset and encourages her teammates. She leads by example and mentors her younger teammates as team captain. With her strong offense and defense, she leads the team to victory on the court as well.
21 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Little AOTW