8th Grade Parent Night on Tuesday, March 18th at 6:00 pm Come and learn about what you and your child can expect at WTHS and how to be a successful student. All 8th grade students and their parents are welcome!
about 7 hours ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
T-Minus 85 days and counting!
about 7 hours ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
graduation 2025
As a culmination of studying invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles, our Bio II classes went to the Shedd Aquarium on Friday, March 7th. Some of the students had never been to the Shedd, while others hadn't been there since they were much younger, so we all enjoyed an amazing day of discovery! Mrs. Rea especially loved hearing comments such as, "This makes so much more sense now after what we learned in class!"
about 12 hours ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Shedd Aquarium
WTMHS Drama Club presents Roman & Jules March 14 & 15 7:00pm WTE Multi-Purpose Room See flyer for more details
about 13 hours ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Drama Club Play
This Week In Senator Athletics for March 10-15, 2025. You can view the upcoming WTMHS athletic events or download a Senator sport schedule for 2024-2025. https://www.senatorsathletics.com/Events
2 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
This Week in Senator Athletics
Paige Hein is headed to the IHSAA state gymnastics meet! Paige’s 4th place finish on floor advances her to compete at Ball State with the top Indiana High School gymnasts. Paige is excited to represent WT and would like to wish the boys basketball team good luck in their Sectional Championship game tonight!
3 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WT Black logo
1A Sectional 49 | Washington Twp vs Kouts | 2025 Boys Basketball | JEDtv Sports Network The livestream is scheduled to begin at 03/08/25 7:00 pm CST. https://www.jedtv.com/washington-twp.html/?B=2226938
3 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
JEDTV logo
Kouts Class 1A Sectional Ticket information: Session #4 (3/8/25) Game #7 - 7:00 pm - Washington Twp. #1 vs. Kouts #2 General Admission Tickets: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=117305
3 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WT Black logo
Senators-v- Mustangs...Enough Said!
4 days ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
championship game
Kouts Class 1A Sectional Ticket information: Session #3 (3/7/25) Game #5 - 5:30 pm - Morgan Twp. #1 vs. Washington Twp. #2 Game #6 - 7:30 pm - Kouts #3 vs. Westville #4 General Admission Tickets: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=117304
4 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WT Red logo
1A Sectional 49 | Morgan Twp vs Washington Twp | 2025 Boys Basketball | JEDtv Sports Network The livestream is scheduled to begin at 03/07/25 5:30 pm CST. https://www.jedtv.com/washington-twp.html/?B=2226935
4 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
JEDTV logo
Senator Boys Basketball rises one spot to #10 in the final Associated Press Class 1A Boys High School Basketball Poll. To view the poll, click the link. https://scoreboard.homestead.com/boys/pollap.htm#load
4 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
AP logo
Senator Boys Basketball rises one spot to #10 in the final USA Today/Network Indiana Class 1A Boys High School Basketball Poll. To view the poll, click the link. https://scoreboard.homestead.com/boys/pollusa.htm#load
4 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Network Indiana
The WTHS AP Drawing Class artists presenting at the Art Gallery Reception at the Das Art Gallery at the Country Inn & Suites--202 LaPorte Avenue in Valparaiso. The exhibition will take place from March 6th - March 31st. WTHS artists included: Faith Dickens, Jasmine Estrada-Bateman, Kaylee Henderson, Elizabeth Seifert, Sasha Sentoro, Cheyenne Warren, and Leah Wheeler. ON YOU SENATORS!!
5 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WTHS Art Show artists
Art Gallery Reception
Advanced Placement logo
Time Change Sunday, March 9th Set Clocks Ahead One Hour
5 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Daylight Savings Time
WTHS had two teams participate in the Northwest Regional Indiana Envirothon Competition on March 5, 2025 at Red Mill County Park. The day started with five presentations from various local and state agencies on Current Environmental Issues, Wildlife, Forestry, Aquatics, and Soils and Land Use. Students were able to participate in hand-on activities and a short hike through the forest and lake areas. The next part of the day consisted of taking a five-part written test in each of the five categories discussed earlier. We had two teams participating – Team Plaid and the Eco- Maniacs. Congratulations to Team Plaid for coming in fourth place! Thank you to everyone for taking time out of your schedule to learn the material and participate!
5 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Envirothon 1
Envirothon 2
Envirothon 3
Envirothon 4
Team Plaid
The Eco-Maniacs
Envirothon 5
WTHS Unified Bowling Team participated in the Unified Bowling Team Sectional along with the Valparaiso High School Unified Bowling Team today at Inman's. As you can tell by the pictures, everyone had a great time bowling today!
6 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WTHS Unified Bowling Team
Inman's Sectional Bowling Teams-VHS & WTHS
WTHS Unified Bowling Team logo
Washington Township Middle/High School is looking for qualified coaches in the following sports: Varsity Boys Soccer, Middle School Girls Track & Field and High School Dance. Interested candidates may reach out to Athletic Director Jeri Mateer jeri.mateer@eastporter.k12.in.us or apply online at our school corporation website https://www.eastporter.k12.in.us/page/employment
6 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WT Job positions
Kouts Class 1A Sectional Ticket information: Advance sale of tickets may be purchased using the following links: Session #2 (3/5/25) Game#3 - 5:30 pm - Kouts vs. Marquette Catholic Game #4 - 7:30 pm - Tri-Township vs. Westville General Admission Tickets: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=117303 Session #3 (3/7/25) Game #5 - 5:30 pm - Morgan Twp. #1 vs. Washington Twp. #2 Game #6 - 7:30 pm - Winner Game #3 vs. Winner Game #4 General Admission Tickets: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=117304
6 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
WT Black logo
Good Luck to the WTMHS Unified Bowling Team as they travel to Inman's today for the Unified Bowling Sectional Tournament! ON YOU SENATORS!!
6 days ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Unified Bowling logo