The Boys and Girls Cross County teams travel to Hebron for the Dave Walker Invite on Saturday, August 19th. Good Luck Senator harriers!
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
Middle School Softball has a doubleheader on Saturday, August 19 versus Morgan Township. The games start at 10:15 am and are being played at Morgan Township HS
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
MS Softball DH v MT
The Middle School Cross Country Teams travel to Monon for the North White Invite at Monon Park on Saturday. Girls run at 9:30 our time and the Boys at 10:00 am. Please be aware Monon is on Eastern Standard Time or one (1) hour ahead of our time.
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
MSXC @ North White Invite
The Lady Senators conclude their short two-game homestand on Saturday against North White. Kick-off is set for 11:00 am.
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
Girls Soccer @ North White
Tomorrow nights Middle School Baseball Game at Boone Grove has been cancelled. The game will now be played on Monday. September 11; HOWEVER, the game will be played at Morgan Township High School starting at 4:30 pm
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
Baseball change of dates and location
The Lady Senator open the home portion of their 2023 season by taking on conference foe South Central. JV match starts at 5:30 pm. Come out and cheer on the Lady Senators
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
The Lady Senators return to action on Thursday at home against the Lady Wolves of Boone Grove
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
MS So 8/19 Boone Grove
Due to improvements being made at Senator Park this fall, MS Baseball takes on Wolves of Boone Grove. The game will be played at Boone Grove High School.
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
MSBA 8/17
The Boys Soccer Team opens PCC play against Original Five member Morgan Township on WT West Soccer Field. Kickoff is set for 4:30 pm
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
Boys Soccer v MT
We are so excited to welcome everyone back as we start another fantastic school year tomorrow, August 16, 2023. Please make sure your students are at the bus stop 5-10 minutes early to help the buses get to school on time. Families living in Washington Township, please be aware that State Road 2 is closed at the 400 intersection. Please take caution and be careful. Just a friendly reminder that students need to be at school by 7:40 am and will be dismissed at 2:45 pm. We are looking forward to partnering with you for another awesome school year.
over 1 year ago, East Porter County School Corporation
Green yellow and red bars saying the first day of school is tomorrow.
WELCOME BACK SENATORS! School starts Wednesday, August 16th!
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Welcome Back
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
Lady Senators open the 2023 campaign at Wheeler against the Lady Bearcats. Start time is 5 pm
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
Girls Soccer @ Wheeler
MS Softball game against Morgan Township has been rescheduled for Tuesday, August 15th.
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
MS Softball at MT
Vaping continues to dupe teens who think it’s safe. It continues to addict them. And it continues to drastically harm their physical and mental health. That’s why the Indiana High School Athletic Association is partnering once again with the Indiana Department of Health to provide Don’t Puff This Stuff social media content to our member schools all year long.
over 1 year ago, Washington Twp Middle-High School
Pictures from 2023-2024 Rockin' Locker Jamboree!!
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
locker Jamboree 1
Locker Jamboree 2
Locker Jamboree 3
Locker Jamboree 4
Locker Jamboree 5
Locker Jamboree 7
Locker Jamboree 8
Congratulations to the WTMHS Staff members for being acknowledged for their years of service in the East Porter County School Corporation: 5 Year Award: Amy Travelbee-Press--6th Grade Math/Science Teacher Rich Myers--PE/Health Teacher 10 Year Award: Jennifer Symer--WTMHS Guidance Counselor Michael Qualkenbush--WT Transportation 20 Year Award: Barbara Rea--Biology Teacher
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
Reminder--Don't forget the Rockin' Locker Jamboree for all MS and HS students TODAY from 3:00-4:00pm! This is also a great opportunity to walk through your schedule for Wednesday's First Day of School!!
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
First Day of School for WT Teachers! We are meeting at Morgan Township Elementary Gym (Old Gym) for our annual EPCSC meeting. In the name of transparency, this is what the morning looks like for us: OPENING DAY STAFF MEETING Monday, August 14, 2023 Morgan Township Elementary Gymnasium 7:10-7:50 Breakfast Served 1st Source Bank, Teachers Credit Union, AIG Retirement Financial, Voya, American Fidelity and Wellness For Life will be available for your convenience. 8:00 Gather in the Morgan Township Elementary Gymnasium Welcome Dr. Case Pledge of Allegiance 8:10-8:20 Vendor Greeting, Clinic and Rx Quick talk 8:20-8:40 Recognition of Staff Service Dr. Case/School Board 5-year award 10-year award 20-year award 30-year award 40-year award 8:40-9:00 Introduction of New Principals Dr. Case Introduction of New Staff Principals & Directors Restroom Break 9:00-10:30 Supporting Students and Managing Ourselves in Difficult Situations: Preventative Strategies Randy Schrock 10:30-10:45 East Porter Federation of Teachers meeting in MES Cafeteria ALL teachers invited Mr. Duzan 10:45 Teachers and Aides dismissed to Buildings Bus Drivers- Mandatory Bus Meeting (Mrs. Bucher) Custodians-Mandatory Group Meeting (Mr. Kenworthy) Kitchen Staff- Mandatory Group Meeting (Mrs. Nieves)
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Middle-High School
MS Baseball reminders: 1. Baseball game at Morgan Township has been rescheduled for Tuesday, August 15 @4:30pm. 2. Practice on Monday, August 14 is from 3:00-6:00pm.
over 1 year ago, Washington Township Middle-High School